[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2005] [Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. Prior to 2005]

Wildflower Bloom in Mt. Adams Country

Wildflowers Along FS Road #150 to the Snipes Mt. Trailhead

May 7, 2005

Oregon Anemone: Anemone oregana var. oregana

Oregon Anemone: Anemone oregana var. oregana

Forest Rd 071 at this point of the year is covered with a thick layer of cinders with larger cinder rocks (may scrape the underside of smaller autos). FS Rd 150 to Snipes Mt. is narrow in places and sometimes partly washed out or covered with large potholes. The upper section that climbs to Snipes Mt. is steep with a few slumps or steep cross gullies. Low slung autos will be forced to stop and turn around before reaching the end of the road.
Snipes Mt. via FS Rds 071 and 150 reached from FS Rd 82 at the Tract D Boundary

The uppermost point reached on Snipes Mt. was at: --- N46 06.154' --- W121 28.130' --- Elevation: 4235' --- +/- 30'

Some Wildflowers to be Seen Along the Way:

*1. Sedge: Carex sp. - possibly elk sedge?

*2. Wood Lily, Western Wakerobin: Trillium ovatum

*3. Lance-leaf Spring Beauty: Claytonia lanceolata var. lanceolata - Numerous.

*4. Miner's Lettuce: Claytonia perfoliata or C. rubra

*5. Big-leaf Sandwort: Moehringia macrophylla

*6. Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum

*7. Oaks Toothwort: Cardamine nuttallii var. nuttallii (formerly C. pulcherrima var. pulcherrima)

8. Rough Wallflower: Erysimum asperum - Not yet in bloom at this location.

9. Wax Currant: Ribes cereum - Not in bloom yet.

*10. Broadpetal Strawberry: Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala

*11. Stream Violet: Viola glabella

12. Kinnickinick: Arctostaphylos nevadensis - Leaves only. Only seen high on Snipes Mt.

*13. Midget Phlox: Phlox (Microsteris) gracilis

*14. Ballhead Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum - High on Snipes Mt.

15. Tall Phacelia: Phacelia procera - High on Snipes Mt. Basal leaves only.

*16. Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary: Collinsia parviflora

Animals Seen: Morning Cloak Butterfly

Small Creek at Snipes Mt. Trail #11 Trailhead

On Road 150

N46 05.585' --- W121 28.848' --- Elevation: 3810' --- +/- 30'

1. Orange Sac Fungus - Unidentified.

*2. Wood Lily, Western Wakerobin: Trillium ovatum

3. Fairy Slipper, Calypso: Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis

4. Rattlesnake Plantain: Goodyera oblongifolia - Attractive leaves only.

5. Buttercup: Ranunculus repens? - Not in bloom yet. It could also be Ranunculus unciniatus.

6. Oregon Box: Pachistima myrsinites

7. White-vein Pyrola: Pyrola picta - Leaves only.

8. American Brooklime: Veronica americana

9. Streambank Butterweed: Senecio pseudaureus - Basal leaves only.

Animals Seen: Pair of Hairy Woodpeckers

On Road #150 near Gotchen Creek Guard Station

N46 05.280' --- W121 29.283' --- Elevation: 3646' --- +/- 40'

1. Oregon Anemone: Anemone oregana (See photo above) - Numerous plants in bloom.

Paul Slichter E-mail