[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Oregon


View north to Mt. Hood, Mt. Hood National Forest................July 15, 2009.

A view north towards Mt. Hood from High Rock..........................July 15, 2009.

{Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Oregon}

The following links are all for Mt. Hood and vicinity in the northern Oregon Cascades:

August 8, 2009: Bald Lake, Bonney Meadow and Bonney Butte via Trail #463 from Road #4880

July 30, 2009: High Prairie to Lookout Mt. and Gumjuwac Saddle via Trail #458 and Road #3550

July 30, 2009: Meadows near Ramsey Creek along Road #4420

July 15, 2009: High Rock, Mt. Hood National Forest

July 15, 2009: Olallie Meadows, Mt. Hood National Forest

Paul Slichter E-mail