Bolander's Groundsel, Bolander's Ragwort: Packera bolanderi var. bolanderi (Synonym: Senecio bolanderi var. bolanderi) - Sample collected along Bridge Creek in Wheeler County, OR
Gray Woolly Groundsel, Tall Butterweed, Woolly Butterweed, Woolly Groundsel: Packera cana (Synonyms: Senecio canus, Senecio convallium, Senecio hallii, Senecio hallii var. discoidea, Senecio harbourii, Senecio howellii, Senecio purshianus) - A moderate-sized butterweed found wholly east of the Cascades. It has numerous small yellow flower heads containing both ray and disc flowers. The stems and leaves are a dull silver in color.
Cutleaf Butterweed, Widehead Groundsel: Packera eurycephala var. eurycephala (Synonym Senecio eurycephalus var. eurycephalus) -
Elegant Groundsel, Rayless Mountain Butterweed, Rayless Mountain Groundsel: Packera indecora (Synonym: Senecio indecorus) -
Long-rayed Groundsel, Macoun's Groundsel, Puget Butterweed, Siskiyou Mountain Ragwort: Packera macounii (Synonyms: Senecio fastigiatus, Senecio macounii) - At north end of Crooked River Bridge on US395.
Rayless Alpine Butterweed, Rayless Alpine Groundsel, Small-flowered Butterweed: Packera pauciflora (Synonym: Senecio pauciflorus) - Rayless.
Balsam Groundsel, Canadian Butterweed: Packera paupercula (Synonyms: Senecio pauperculus, Senecio pauperculus var. thompsoniensis) -
Porter's Butterweed, Porter's Groundsel: Packera porteri (Synonym: Senecio porteri) -
Streambank Butterweed, Falsegold Groundsel: Packera pseudaurea var. pseudaurea (Synonym: Senecio pseudaureus var. pseudaureus) - Leaves largest at the base. Stem leaves progressively reduced in size up the stem. Herbage of leaves and stems mostly glabrous. Basal leaves bases heart-shaped or narrowed abruptly to the petiole with serrate margins. The bases of the stem leaves are cut into narrow, irregular lobes.
Rocky Mountain Butterweed, Rocky Mountain Groundsel, Cleftleaf Groundsel: Packera streptanthifolia (Synonyms: Senecio cymbalarioides var. suksdorfii, Senecio leonardii, Senecio streptanthifolius, Senecio streptanthifolius var. laetiflorus, Senecio streptanthifolius var. streptanthifolius, Senecio streptanthifolius var. wallowensis) -
Alpine Meadow Groundsel, Buek's Groundsel, Cleftleaf Groundsel, Pale Groundsel: Packera subnuda var. subnuda (Synonyms: Packera buekii, Senecio cymbalarioides, Senecio cymbalarioides var. cymbalarioides, Packera ovina, Senecio ovinus, Senecio subndus) - A short butterweed of alpine meadows. Long petioled, ovate leaves are clustered at the base. Small leaves are found along the stems. Single, quarter-sized flower heads adorn each stem. The disc and ray flowers are both yellow.
Mountain Meadow Butterweed, Mountain Meadow Groundsel, Thickleaf Ragwort, Thick-leaved Groundsel: Senecio crassulus (Synonym: Senecio crassulus var. cusickii) - Stems noticeably leafy, the leaves greater than 4 cm long. Plants with a single (to occasionally several) stem. Stem leaves sessile with clasping bases.
Elmer's Ragwort: Senecio elmeri -
Ertter's Ragwort: Senecio ertterae -
Dwarf Mountain Ragwort, Dwarf Mountain Groundsel: Senecio fremontii var. fremontii - Stems noticeably leafy, the leaves less than 4 cm long. Plants branched brom the base. Leaves toothed.
Tall Groundsel, Sweet Marsh Butterweed, Stout Meadow Groundsel : Senecio hydrophiloides (Synonyms: Senecio foetidus, Senecio foetidus var. foetidus, Senecio foetidus var. hydrophiloides, Senecio oreganus) - Flower heads generally rayless. Plants with larger basal leaves and stem leaves reduced in size up the stem. The leaf blades are toothed. The herbage is glabrous and green. Plants generally range from 30-100 cm high. Found in marshes in the foothills and mountains.
Alkali Marsh Butterweed, Alkali Marsh Ragwort, Great Swamp Groundsel, Water Groundsel, Water Ragwort: Senecio hydrophilus (Synonym: Senecio hydrophilus var. pacifica) - The largest leaves are basal, with the stem leaves reduced in size. The leaf blades have entire margins. Herbage is glabrous, although plants appear bluish. Plants from 40-200 cm high with hollow stems. Found in low elevation marshes.
Lambstongue Groundsel, Tall Western Groundsel, Western Groundsel: Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus (Synonyms: Senecio integerrimus var. vaseyi, Senecio vaseyi) - The largest leaves are basal, with the stem leaves reduced in size. The basal leaf blades are usually over 5 cm long. The herbage consists of persistent, white, woolly hairs, although the coverage is sparse enough that plants appear green at arms length.. Plants single-stemmed.
Bigheaded Groundsel: Senecio integerrimus var. major -
Paleyellow Ragwort, Western Groundsel, White Western Groundsel: Senecio integerrimus var. ochroleucus (Synonyms: Senecio integerrimus ssp. ochroleucus, Senecio lugens var. ochroleuchus)
Tansy Ragwort, Stinking Willie: Senecio jacobaea (Synonym: Jacobaea vulgaris) -
Small Blacktip Ragwort, Black-tipped Groundsel: Senecio lugens (Synonym: Senecio integerrimus var. lugens) -
Showy Butterweed: Senecio pauperculus -
Porter's Butterweed: Senecio porteri -
Butterweed Groundsel, Tall Butterweed, Tall Ragwort: Senecio serra var. serra (Synonyms: Senecio andinus, Senecio lanceolatus, Senecio millikenii, Senecio serra var. altior, Senecio solidago) - Stems noticeably leafy, the leaves greater than 4 cm long. Leaves linear to lanceolate, petiolate and with serrate margins. Plants with many stems and usually over 50 cm high. Numerous flower heads at top of plant, yellow, with both disk and ray flowers present.
Mountain-marsh Butterweed: Senecio sphaerocephalus -
Arrowleaf Butterweed, Arrowleaf Groundsel, Arrowleaf Ragwort: Senecio triangularis var. triangularis (Synonyms: Senecio gibbonsii, Senecio triangularis, Senecio triangularis var. angustifolius) - A tall wildflower of moist areas in the foothills and mountains. Numerous, soft, green arrowhead shaped leaves along the entire stem. The numerous flower heads are yellow, with both disk and ray flowers present.
Common Groundsel, Old Man-in-the-Spring: Senecio vulgaris -