[The Sunflower Family East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

The Sunflower Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Hoary False Yarrow: Chaenactis douglasii

Hoary False Yarrow: Chaenactis douglasii

Members of the Sunflower Family with Flower Heads Looking like Buttons or Pincushions

Flower Heads often look like fabric buttons or pincushions when viewed from above. The flowers are all rayless, and are entirely disk flowers.


Trail Plant, Pathfinder: Adenocaulon bicolor -

Pearly Everlasting, Western Pearly Everlasting: Anaphalis margaritacea (Synonyms: Anaphalis margaritacea var. angustior, Anaphalis margaritacea var. intercedens, Anaphalis margaritacea var. margaritacea, Anaphalis margaritacea var. occidentalis, Anaphalis margaritacea var. revoluta, Anaphalis margaritacea var. subalpina, Anaphalis occidentalis, Gnaphalium margaritaceum) -

Pussytoes and Everlastings: The Genus Antennaria -

Nodding Arnica: Arnica parryi - Upright herbaceous plants with 2 to 4 pairs of opposite leaves. Flower heads mostly discoid, although some may have small ray flowers around the disc.

Wormwoods or Sageworts: The Genus Artemisia -

Beggarticks: The Genus Bidens -

Tasselflowers and Thoroughworts: The Genus Brickelia -

Silvercrown, Silver Crown: Cacaliopsis nardosmia ssp. glabrata (Synonyms: Cacalia nardosmia, Cacaliopsis nardosmia var. glabrata, Luina nardosmia, Luina nardosmia var. glabrata) ) -

Knapweeds: the Genus Centaurea -

The Genus Chaenactis -

Thistles: The Genus Cirsium -

Horseweed: The Genus Conyza - The flowers of these species have tiny ray flowers. Without looking at them closely, one might think they are lacking.

Rayless Shasta Aster: Dieteria canescens var. shastensis (Synonyms: Aster shastensis var. eradiatus, Machaeranthera canescens var. shastensis, Machaeranthera shastensis var. eradiata, Machaeranthera shastensis var. shastensis)

Dimeresia, Doublet: Dimersia howellii - Compact annual with entire, ovate leaves. The leaves almost appear sedum-like, and are covered with cottony hairs. The stem is very short or not evident, with light yellow discoid heads of 2-3 flowers.

Fleabanes or Daisies: The Genus Erigeron -

Western Snakeroot, Western Eupatorium: Ageratina occidentalis (formerly Eupatorium occidentale) - This plant may arise to a height of 70 cm. The leaves are petiolate, serrate, and are narrowly to widely deltoid, or deltoid ovate. The flower heads are small, clustered primarily at the end of the stems. The flowers are pink, reddish-purple, or sometimes white. Nine to twenty-one disc flowers are found in each head.

Cudweeds: The Genus Gnapalium -

Columbia Gumplant, Columbia Gumweed, Columbia River Gumweed: Grindelia nana var. discoidea (Synonyms: Grindelia columbiana, Grindelia columbiana ssp. columbiana, Grindelia hirsutula (in Washington), Grindelia nana ssp. columbiana) -

Low-tufted Hymenopappus: Hymenopappus filifolius - Plant to 2 or three feet tall. Several stems arise from a woody base. Leaves tufted at the base, once or twice pinnatified. Flowers discoid, yellow in color, about the width of a nickel.

Cottonroses and Filagos: The Genus Logfia (Filago) -

Silverbacks: The Genus Luina -

Chamomiles, May Weeds and Pineapple Weed: The Genus Matricaria -

Scotch cottonthistle, Scotch Thistle: Onopordum acanthium -

Coltsfoot: The Genus Petasites -

Cudweeds: The Genus Pseudognaphalium -

Woollyheads: The Genus Psilocarphus -

Goldenweeds: The Genus Pyrrocoma -

Silky Raillardella, Silvery Raillardella: Raillardella argentea -

Coneflowers: The Genus Rudbeckia -

American Sawwort, American Saw-wort: Saussurea americana -

Groundsels and Butterweeds: The Genus Senecio -

Tansy: The Genus Tanacetum -

Cockleburs: The Genus Xanthium -

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