[The Saxifrage Family East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Alumroots East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Heuchera

Red alumroot: Heuchera rubescens var. truncata

Green-flowered Alumroot, Meadow Alumroot, Tall Alumroot: Heuchera chlorantha -

Alpine Alumroot, Mat Alumroot, Roundleaf Alumroot: Heuchera cylindrica var. alpina (Synonyms: Heuchera clindrica var. orbicularis, Heuchera cylindrica var. ovalifolia, Heuchera ovalifolia, Heuchera ovalifolia var. ovalifolia, Heuchera ovalifolia var. thompsonii) - Thick poker-like spike of creamy bell-shaped flowers well above the maple-like leaves. Petals absent or shorter than sepals if present. Leaf blades less than 2.5 cm in width. Petioles not hairy and about as long as the leaf blades. Racemes of closely spaced flowers. Could be confused with Heuchera grossulariifolia.

Roundleaf Alumroot, Lava Alumroot: Heuchera cylindrica var. cylindrica (Synonyms: Heuchera cylindrica var. suksdorfii, Heuchera saxicola, Heuchera suksdorfii) -

Beautiful Alumroot, Lava Alumroot, Roundleaf Alumroot: Heuchera cylindrica var. glabella (Synonym: Heuchera glabella) - Thick poker-like spike of creamy bell-shaped flowers well above the maple-like leaves. Petals absent or shorter than sepals if present. Leaf blades greater than 2.5 cm wide. Petioles not hairy and about as long as the leaf blades. Racemes of closely spaced flowers. Could be confused with Heuchera grossulariifolia.

Alpine Alumroot, Alpine Heuchera, Smooth Alumroot: Heuchera glabra - Flowers tiny and white in open, spreading panicles. Stamens are strongly exserted beyond the calyx lobes. Leaf blades wider than long (as measured from the sinus where the petiole joins the blade). The blade margins are broadly but acutely toothed, and narrowly cut 1/3-1/2 their length. The base of the flower stem and petioles is glabrous or occasionally glandular-haired.

Gooseberryleaf Alumroot, Gooseberryleaved Alumroot, Gooseberry-leaved Alumroot: Heuchera grossulariifolia var. grossulariifolia (Synonym: Heuchera cusickii) - Inflorescence short, dense and spike-like. Petals equal to or longer than the sepals. Petioles glabrous or glandular-puberulent. Leaf blades 1-2.5 cm wide. Plants up to 45 cm high. Found from southwestern Montana west across central Idaho into the Snake River Canyon and into northeastern Oregon.

Thin-leaved Alumroot: Heuchera grossulariifolia var. tenuifolia (Synonym: Heuchera tenuifolia) - Stamens shorter than the calyx lobes. Flowers typically in congested panicles. 5 petals are usually present on most flowers. Petioles glabrous or glandular-puberulent. The blades as measured from the sinus where the petiole attaches is typically wider than long.

Crevice Alumroot, Small-flowered Alumroot: Heuchera micrantha var. micrantha - Flowers tiny and white in open, spreading panicles. Stamens are strongly exserted from the flower. Petals are present and longer than the sepals. Leaves maple-like, lobed, and longer than wide. Petioles hairy with 2-lobed stipules (lined with numerous hairs) at their base. Similar to Heuchera glabra.

Pink Heuchera, Red Alumroot: Heuchera rubescens var. rubescens (Synonym: Heuchera x cuneata) - Stamens longer than sepals. The inflorescence is a narrow, lax panicle. Petals are present and longer than the sepals. Found from southeastern Oregon east to southwestern Idaho, Utah, Colorado and south to southern California and Arizona.

Jack o' the Rocks, Pink Alumroot, Reddish Alumroot: Heuchera rubescens var. truncata -

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