[Trees and Shrubs of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

Shrubs of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

Cliff Fendlerbush: Fendlera rupicola var. rupicola

Cliff Fendlerbush: Fendlera rupicola var. rupicola

A very brief listing of shrubs of the american southwest: More to be added later!

Acanthus Family: Acanthaceae

Moschatel Family: Adoxaceae

Amaranth Family: Amaranthaceae

Sumac Family: Anacardiaceae

Sunflower Family: Asteraceae

Honeysuckle Family: Caprifoliaceae

Beeplants and Bladderpods: Cleomeaceae

Crossosoma Family: Crossosomataceae

Ephedra Family: Ephedraceae

Heath Family: Ericaceae

Pea Family: Fabaceae

Ocotillo Family: Fouquieriaceae

Silktassel Family: Garryaceae

Currant and Gooseberry Family: Grossulariaceae

Mock Orange Family: Hydrangeaceae

Rhatany Family: Krameriacee

Oleaster Family: Oleaceae

Buckthorn Family: Rhamnaceae

Rose Family: Rosaceae

Citrus Family: Rutaceae

Jojoba Family: Simmondsiaceae

Tamarisk Family: Tamaricaceae

Caltrop Family: Zygophyllaceae

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