[Shrubs of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

The Ephedra Family in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest


Green Ephedra: Ephedra viridis (Synonyms: Ephedra nevadensis subvar. pluribracteata, Ephedra nevadensis var. viridis)

Green Ephedra: Ephedra viridis

Boundary Ephedra: Ephedra aspera (Synonyms: Ephedra clokeyi, Ephedra fasciculata, Ephedra fasciculata var. clokeyi, Ephedra fasciculata var. fasciculata, Ephedra nevadensis var. aspera, Ephedra peninsularis, Ephedra reedii)

California Ephedra, Desert Tea: Ephedra californica

Death Valley Ephedra, Death Valley Jointfir: Ephedra funerea (Synonym: Ephedra californica var. funerea)

Nevada Ephedra: Ephedra nevadensis (Synonym: Ephedra nevadensis subvar. paucibracteata, Ephedra nevadensis f. rosea)

Longleaf Ephedra, Three-fork Ephedra: Ephedra trifurca

Green Ephedra: Ephedra viridis (Synonyms: Ephedra nevadensis subvar. pluribracteata, Ephedra nevadensis var. viridis)

Paul Slichter E-mail