[The Sunflower Family in the Southwestern Deserts of the United States]

The Sunflower Family in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

Species with Shrub-like Habit

Desert Fir, Pygmycedar, Schott's Pygmycedar, Desert Pine: Peucephyllum schottii

Pygmycedar: Peucephyllum schottii

Burrobrush, Cheesebush: The Genus Ambrosia

Baccharis, Coyote Brush and Mule Fat: The Genus Baccharis

Goldeneyes and Viguieras: The Genus Bahiopsis

Rough Sweetbush, Sweetbush: Bebbia juncea var. aspera

Brittlebush: The Genus Encelia

Goldenbush: The Genus Ericameria

Desert Fir, Pygmycedar, Schott's Pygmycedar, Desert Pine: Peucephyllum schottii - A dicot shrub.

American Threefold, California Trixis, Trixis: Trixis californica var. californica

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