[Writing an Inquiry]

Data Manipulation & Presentation

[Examples of Data Manipulation] ------ [Examples of Graphs] ------ [Examples of Diagrams]

(a) Transformation of Data: Raw data has been transformed and manipulated (averages, use of equations, drawings labelled, etc.) to help interpretation.

(b) Graph paper (with straight edge) or computer graphing program has been used for any graphs.

(c) Each graph, table or figure is important to the reader’s final understanding and evaluation of the study.

(d) Each figure, graph, or table has an informative caption.

(e) Each figure, graph, or table is self-sufficient and includes explanations of numbers used, replicates, units of measurement, etc.

(f) Data Analysis : Error analysis, correlations between data and uncertainties are performed when appropriate. These are statistical tests used to confirm the validity of data and which help us accept or reject the hypothesis.

(g) Figures, graphs, and tables are numbered sequentially through the text as they appear.

(h) The major results arising from the data in each graph, table or figure is briefly described in words, but the significance of the results to the aims of the study is NOT discussed at this point.

(i) Presentation of data allows for easy interpretation.

[Examples of Data Manipulation] ------ [Examples of Graphs] ------ [Examples of Diagrams]
