Honors Biology Week #2 Wildflowers

#19. Fringe Cups

Scientific Name:

Tellima grandiflora (43K)

Family Name:

Saxifrage Family


Banks of streams and moist shady woods.


1. Mostly basal leaves. Leaves are simple with palmate venation. Leaf shape is almost round to oval.

2. Hairy stems & leaves.

3. Cup-shaped yellow, blue, or pink flowers.

4. United petals with fringe at tip.

5. Flower stalk is above leaves.

6. Baby plants form at base of leaves. These may grow into new plants if the leaf breaks off & comes to rest on the ground.

Uses or Importances:

1. Ground leaves once made into tea for a cure-all for any ailment, especially used to induce appetite.

2. Decorative garden plant for moist, shady places.

3. Related to domestic Piggyback Plant.


Paul Slichter