Honors Biology Week #2 Wildflowers

#20. Red Columbine

Scientific Name:

Aquilegia formosa

Family Name:

Buttercup Family


Red columbine are found in open woods, frequently in locations receiving daily doses of both shade & sunlight. They are found from the lowlands to alpine habitats.


1. Flowers droop, with five red & yellow petals with five thin spurs pointing upwards from the base of the flower.

2. Leaves are compound, generally lacy in appearance, with three leaflets.

3. The leaves generally arise from the base of the plant and are borne on long stalks.

Uses or Importances:

1. Columbine are a favorite plant of hummingbirds and butterflies.

2. They are attractive garden flowers, easy to grow & self seeding.

3. The juice from the roots was used by local Indians to close woounds.

4. The members of the buttercup family are generally very poisonous as a rule, so it would not be wise to eat this plant!


Paul Slichter