Honors Biology Week #2 Wildflowers

#16. Fairy Lanterns & Fairy Bells

Photo above is of Fairy Lanterns.

Scientific Name:

Disporum smithii / (26K)--Fairy Lanterns

Similar Species:

Disporum hookeri var. oreganum --Fairy Bells (flowers bell-shaped----See photo at right.).

Family Name:

Lily Family


Moist shady woods..


1. White flower with 6 "petals". Flowers hang below leaves like lanterns or bells. Fairy Lanterns has petals that hang down straight. The flower is largely closed.

In Fairy Bells, the flower petals flare ouwards, making a bell-shaped flower. See photos above for clarity.

2. Leaf edge "dips" or is wavy to help rain run off.

3. Red berries are edible but are best left for the birds due to their poor taste.

Uses or Importances:

1. Birds and rodents eat berries.

2. Pretty wild flower or garden plant.

3. Indians used part of the plant as a 'love' potion.


Paul Slichter