#10. Sour Grass/ Wood Sorrel
Scientific Name:
Family Name:
Oxalis Family
Moist shady woods
1. Sensitive leaves fold at night or when touched.
2. White, pink or yellow flowers. The flower of Pacific Northwest forests
is white or pinkish with reddish stripes in the flower's throat.
3. Three clover-like leaves. The leaves are sensitive to sunlight, folding
in shade, opening when exposed to light.
4. The flower is on a separate stalk than the leaves.
5. The plant spreads to make thick forest floor carpets via underground stems.
Uses or Importances:
1. Oxalic acid (same as produced by stomach) good for digestion.
2. Sour taste. The taste is of sour apples.
3. Leaves & flowers can be eaten in salads or raw.
4. Laxative if eaten in large amounts.
5. An interesting an pretty flower and foliage for shady places in the yard.
Paul Slichter