#9. Bleeding Hearts

Dicentra formosa
Family Name:
Bleeding Heart Family
A nice close-up or Bleeding Heart. (85K)
Moist-shady woods.
1. Flowers on separate stalk from leaf.
2. Pink, heart-shaped flowers with 2 spurs that look like drops
of blood at both sides of point.
3. Parsley-like leaves with a bluish-green tinge.
Uses or Importances:
1. Pretty wildflower for the shady garden. The native bleeding
heart is very similar to the domestic version used extensively in gardens.
2. Root for worm medicine.
3. Leaves may cause dermatitis. Dermatitis is a severe rash
or itching at any place the skin comes in contact with this plant.
4. Roots chewed as tooth medicine.
5. Hair tonic.
Paul Slichter