The title is most likely your question written as a statement.
Background Info/ Introduction:
(a) Provides background information relevant to the study as a whole, supported by reference to the previous work of others.
(b) Explains specialized terminology.
(c) Diagrams help illustrate key concepts.
[Example of Background Information]
(c) Clearly states the research question.
(d) Proposes a hypothesis directly related to the research question.
If _________(IV) is _________(describe change), then the _________(DV) will _________(describe effect).
(e) The hypothesis provides a logical rationale for why the hypothesis might work (EXPLAIN the reasoning behind your hypothesis! Can be used in conjunction with the background info.).
(f) Gives the reader a clear idea as to why the study was carried out and what it aimed to study.
[Examples of the Hypothesis]
(g) The controlled and experimental variables are clearly identified. If applicable, positive & negative control setups are identified. Other potential variables which might affect the outcome are listed (and explained).
[Examples of Stated Variables]