[IB Biology at GHS: Genetics]

The Case of Nathaniel Wu

Is it a Case of Genetic Discrimination?


A man applies for a long term research job at a well respected company. Genetic tests reaveal that this man has a genetic "disease" that eventually will disable him, and eventually cause death. The man has many personal attributes that would help him be successful with the company. But he has this genetic condition which may cloud his potential success. He may soon show symptoms which eventually would inhibit his usefulness to the company.

Should the company hire him or not? That is the question that you and your classmates will attempt to answer next class period. All students will play the role of screening potential applicants for this long term research position. You will need to make well informed decisions whether to hire the man, Nathaniel Wu or not. You will need to weigh all the attributes that Nathaniel Wu could bring to the company, which would potentially help the company earn some big bucks, versus the potential that he might soon show symptoms of his genetic disease, Huntington's Disease, which could increasingly render him less effective at pursuing his research. You also must decide whether it would be discrimination to not hire Nathaniel based on the knowledge that he will be getting Huntington's Disease.

Your task today is to research the different sides of this case so that you can render an intelligent decision.

You should be able to answer the following questions:

1. What is Huntington's Disease? How does it occur? At what age does it occur? When do the symptoms become very noticeable? At what age might he die?

2. What are symptoms of Huntington's Disease?

3. Can Huntington's Disease be curred? Can its symptoms be changed in a positive manner so Nathaniel won't be as affected, or affected as soon? If yes is the answer to this last question, what could be done to help him be more successful?

4. What is meant by the terms ethical and moral?

5. What is discrimination?

6. What does the current law say about hiring people who may be ill or disabled in terms of discrimination?

7. Are there other examples of discrimination from employment that you can find to use as an example?

8. What extra information does the company (all the students making this decision) need to know in order to make this decision?

A) Research materials shown in class or use internet sources.

B) Find answers to the above questions. It is recommended that you use several different sources to answer each question as the sources may vary in the information they give.

C) As you write information down, refer to the source of the material (write the name of the source), so you can say, "According to (this website or that position paper), .......then your info".

D) This is an actual case, but the name of the company and name of the potential scientist (Nathaniel) have been changed to protect their identities!

Research Key Words:

Huntington's Disease


Genetic Discrimination

American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Some Internet Resources for your Research:

GHS Nathaniel Wu Research Site

Gresham Library


Google, etc.
