[IB Biology: Chemistry Unit]

Enzyme Inquiry Write-up Suggestions

Due: Period 1- Friday Oct 29

Period 5 & 7 - Monday November 1

1. For Ideas, see:

a. GHS Inquiry Site

b. The Open Door Website: IB Biology Homepage See their suggestions on analysis, tables, and graphs.

2. See background info ideas given last time. Hint: You should explain what enzymes are, how they work, and what factors affect how fast they work. Especially spend time explaining what will happen in terms of your independent and dependent variables!

3. The next set of info to write down is largely from your pink planning sheets. However, this should be written in complete sentences, and in complete thoughts.

a. The hypothesis will probably be in the following format:

"If _________(IV) is _________(describe change), then the _________(DV) will _________(describe effect)."

b. Make sure to explain your hypothesis in detail!

c. Make sure to identify key variables (IV and DV) and variables to control. Explaining why to control them is handy!

d.List your materials. Be as specific as to size and quantity.

e. List your procedural steps. Be complete! This is often the hardest area to score well on!

Data Collection:

4. List raw data (The data you collect in lab - all trials) in a data table. Consider significant digits! Include outliers! These could also be identified here! Be sure to add a table title and be complete with all column labels and units. Provide the precision of the instruments used (+/- units).

5. Either in the table above, or another, provide manipulated data. Averages, etc. Again provide a complete title and all labels and units.

Data Processing & Presentation:

6. Graph your results in the clearest manner possible! Provide labels and units on the X and Y axes and all units. Provide a complete title (Often your question written as a statement!).

7. Provide any equation used to analyze your results. Add one example from your results to show how to solve those equations.

8. Here, you can analyze your raw data. Look for the range between a set of trials, identify and explain outliers, consider averages, report uncertainty in measured data, percent change, rate of change, etc..

Conclusion & Evaluation:

9. List several specific results (both X & Y) to give a written account of how your graph changes.

10. Restate your hypothesis.

11. Compare your hypothesis to your results. Account for parts that are the same (supports your hypothesis) or different than your hypothesis.

12. Explain your results, comparing this to your literature research (background).

13. Discuss possible problems with the design, including those encountered during the actual experiment. (This often involves the variables you needed to keep constant!). Be aware that no lab we do is devoid of problems!

14. Discuss possible ways to modify the design so you would be able to improve the problems encountered above. Many of you modified your procedures during the experiment, so this is the place to state what you did and whether it worked out. You may also want to improvise specific, modified steps to the procedure.

Identify References:

Try to find references other than those provided by your instructors!
