[IB Biology Reviews For Final Test]

Terms to Know for the Cell Exam 2004


1. micrometer (µm) -

2. millimeter (mm) -

3. Light (Optical) Microscope -

4. Electron Microscope -

5. Resolution -

6. Magnification -

7. Cell Theory -

8. Unicellular -

9. Multicellular -

10. Differentiation -

11. Prokaryotic Cells -

a) Bacteria -

b) Blue-green Algae (Blue-green Bacteria) -

12. Eukaryotic Cells -

13. Prokaryotic Cell Structure -

a) Cell surface membrane :

b) Cell wall:

c) Plasmid :

d) Naked DNA :

e) Mesosome:

f) Cytoplasm :

g) Ribosome :

h) Flagellum (singular) or Flagella (plural) :

i) Slime capsule :

14. Metabolic Activity (Niches) of Prokaryotic Cells:

a) Photosynthesis -

b) Nitrogen Fixation -

c) Fermentation -

15. Organelles -

16. Intracellular -

17. Extracellular -

18. Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

a) Plasma membrane :

b) Nucleus :

c) Nucleolus :

d) Smooth ER:

e) Rough ER:

f) Ribosomes:

g) Lysosomes:

h) Vacuoles:

i) Mitochondria:

j) Chloroplast:

k) Flagella:

l) Cilia:

m) Golgi Apparatus:

n) Plasma Membrane:

o) Cell Wall:

p) Nuclear envelope:

19. Symbiosis :

20. Theory of Endosymbiosis :


21. Phospholipid Bilayer :

22. Phospholipids (Phosphate = polar head & Fatty Acids = nonpolar tails) -

23. Hydrophilic :

24. Hydrophobic :

25. Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membranes :

26. Proteins embedded in the Plasma Membrane:

a) Trasport Channel Protein:

b) Enzymes:

c) Cell Surface Receptors:

d) Cell Surface Identity Markers:

e) Cell Adhesion Protein

Cell Transport

27. Permeable :

28. Semipermeable :

29. Impermeable (Non-permeable) :

30. High Concentration -

31. Low Concentration -

32. Equilibrium -

33. Solute :

34. Solution :

35. Hypertonic :

36. Hypotonic :

37. Isotonic :

38. Passive Transport -

a) Diffusion :

b) Osmosis :

c) Facillitated Diffusion :

39. Active Transport -

A) Endocytosis :

a) Phagocytosis -

b) Pinocytosis -

B) Exocytosis :

C) Ion Channels :

D) Sotium-potassium Pump:

E) Proton Pump :

F) Cotransport :

"Carpe beastie" = "Seize the beastie!"
