[Osmosis Inquiry]

Variables to Choose for the "New" Osmosis Design Lab


New Question: "How does the IV affect the DV of the (cells to be tested)?

Independent Variable (IV) Dependent Variable (DV) cell type or device used to test osmosis

sucrose (table sugar) concentration

(How to make % concentrations)

% change in mass dialysis tubing

salt (NaCl) concentration

(How to make % concentrations)

% change in length chicken egg


(Remember your info about enzymes to know how hot you can get membranes before denaturation occurs!)

% change in volume potato cells, melon cells, etc

Veggie piece size


rate of % change of mass (or of length or volume)  

You can choose variables from different columns and rows to make a unique question.


1) How does the concentration of sucrose affect the volume of chicken eggs?

2) How does temperature affect the change in length of melon cells?

3) How does time affect the % change in mass of potato cells?

