Cranberry-tree, European Cranberrybush, European Cranberry Bush, European Cranberry Tree, Guelder Rose, Snowball
Viburnum opulus var. opulus
Synonyms: Viburnum opulus var. roseum, Viburnum roseum
Two dorsal views of the leaf and inflorescence of the european cranberrybush as seen along the Springwater Trail near Powell Butte, to the west of Gresham, OR............May 23, 2011. Note that the outer ring of flowers is larger than those at the center.
Additional close-up photos of the inflorescence of the european cranberrybush as seen along the Springwater Trail near Powell Butte, to the west of Gresham, OR............May 23, 2011.
Two close-up photos of the inflorescence of european cranberrybush as seen along the Springwater Trail near Hogan Road, Gresham, OR............May 15, 2023.
Paul Slichter