[Monkey Flowers: The Genera Diplacus, Erythranthe and Mimulus West of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington.]
Shortflower Monkeyflower, Short-flowered Monkeyflower, Short-flowered Monkey Flower
Erythranthe breviflora
Synonyms: Mimulus breviflorus, Mimulus breviflorus ssp. breviflorus, Mimulus breviflorus ssp. robustus, Mimulus inflatulus
The photo above shows a close-up of the upper stem and flower of short-flowered monkey flower as seen from the Simcoe Mts, several miles northwest of Satus Pass in south-central Washington.........June 16, 2007. Note the numerous glands on stem, calyx and leaves.
Short-flowered monkey flower is a small, slender-stemmed annual with glandular herbage from 5-20 cm high. It is often well branched. The numerous leaves are small, with the blades narrowly elliptic or rhombic-elliptic in shape and 5-20 mm long. The margins are entire or toothed with 3-5 veins from the base of the blade. The petioles are short or the leaves are sessile.
The calyx is 3.5-5 mm long and has 5 short, tooth-like lobes, each lobe with a pointed tip. The corolla is narrow and tubular and ranges from 4-7 mm long. It is yellow and slightly 2-lipped with each of the 5 lobes rounded but not quite equal in size and shape. The lower surface of the throat is hairy, and the throat is barely 2 mm wide.
Short-flowered monkey flower is found in moist open places in the plains and in the valleys.
Short-flowered monkey flower may be found from Washington south along the eastern edge of the Cascades to central Oregon and east to northern Idaho and Martin and Butte Counties in west-central Idaho

The photo above shows a close-up of short-flowered monkey flower as seen from the Simcoe Mts, several miles northwest of Satus Pass in south-central Washington.........June 16, 2007.

The photo above shows a close-up of the upper stem and flower of short-flowered monkey flower as seen from the Simcoe Mts, several miles northwest of Satus Pass in south-central Washington.........June 16, 2007.
Short-flowered monkeyflower as seen in a vernal stream about one half mile east of the powerlines that cross Colockum Pass, Wenatchee Mountains........July 7, 2012.
Paul Slichter