[Members of the Sunflower Family with Dandylion-like Flower Heads in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Hawkweeds Found in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Hieracium

White Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum

White Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum

White Hawkweed, White-flowered Hawkweed: Hieracium albiflorum (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis albiflora, Hieracium helleri, Hieracium occidentale, Hieracium siskiyouense) - A wildflower with a basal rosette of leaves, and one or two erect stems with several small flower heads with white flowers.

Meadow Hawkweed, Yellow King Devil: Hieracium caespitosum (Synonym: Hieracium pratense) -

Common Hawkweed, English Hawkweed, European Hawkweed, Lachenal's Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium lachenalii (Synonym: Hieracium vulgatum) - Basal and lower stem leaves markedly longer than those of mid and upper stems. Leaf blades narrow abruptly to the petiole. Leaves thin.

Long-beard Hawkweed, Long-bearded Hawkweed: Hieracium longiberbe - Stems leafy with deciduous lower leaves but large leaves at mid stem. Leaf blades long and thin, tapering gradually to the base. Leaves thin. Leaves with setose-ciliate margins, rarely heavily hairy on leaf surfaces.

Wall Hawkweed: Hieracium murorum -

Mouse-ear Hawkweed: Hieracium pilosella (Synonyms: Hieracium pilosella var. nivea, Hieracium pilosella var. pilosella, Pilosella officinarum) -

Houndstongue Hawkweed, Hound Tongue Hawkweed, Scouler's Hawkweed, Scouler's Woollyweed: Hieracium scouleri (Synonyms: Hieracium albertinum, Hieracium chapacanum, Hieracium cusickii, Hieracium cynoglossoides, Hieracium cynoglossoides var. nudicaule, Hieracium flettii, Hieracium nudicaule, Hieracium scouleri var. albertinum, Hieracium scouleri var. griseum, Hieracium scouleri var. scouleri) - This link refers to the former variety cynoglossoides. Basal and lower stem leaves markedly longer than those of mid and upper stems. Stems appear less leafy than #3. Leaf blades long and thin, tapering gradually to the base. Leaves firm. Herbage variosly setose, but not glaucous above. Involucre often glandular.

Scouler's Hawkweed: Hieracium scouleri (Synonyms: Hieracium albertinum, Hieracium chapacanum, Hieracium cusickii, Hieracium cynoglossoides, Hieracium cynoglossoides var. nudicaule, Hieracium flettii, Hieracium nudicaule, Hieracium scouleri var. albertinum, Hieracium scouleri var. griseum, Hieracium scouleri var. scouleri) - This link refers to the former variety scouleri. Basal and lower stem leaves markedly longer than those of mid and upper stems. Stems appear less leafy than #3. Leaf blades long and thin, tapering gradually to the base. Leaves firm. Herbage variously setose, but often appears glaucous above. Involucre often glandular.

Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium triste (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile,Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile) - Leaves glabrous or occasionally short-hairy. Plants to 10 cm. The yellow flower heads are smaller than the other yellow-flowered species.

Narrow-leaf Hawkweed, Umbellate Hawkweed: Hieracium umbellatum (Synonyms: Hieracium canadense, Hieracium kalmii, Hieracium umbellatum ssp. umbellatum) - Basal and lower leaves soon deciduous. The leaves of the lower and mid stem are roughly equal in size and shape. Leaves measure up to 10 cm long and 2 cm wide. The stems lack long spreading hairs.

Paul Slichter