[The Sunflower Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington: Flower Heads Like Buttons]

Smooth Goldfields, Smooth Lasthenia

Lasthenia glaberrima

Smooth Goldfields, Smooth Lasthenia: Lasthenia glaberrima

Smooth goldfields growing in a vernal pond northwest of The Dalles, Oregon.............May 14, 2012.

Smooth Goldfields, Smooth Lasthenia: Lasthenia glaberrima

Smooth Goldfields, Smooth Lasthenia: Lasthenia glaberrima - Smooth Goldfields, Smooth Lasthenia: Lasthenia glaberrima

Additional close-up images of smooth goldfields growing in a vernal pond northwest of The Dalles, Oregon.............May 14, 2012.

Smooth Goldfields, Smooth Lasthenia: Lasthenia glaberrima

Smooth goldfields blooming amongst eastside popcorn flower (Plagiobothrys scouleri var. penicillatus) in a vernal pond northwest of The Dalles, Oregon........May 3, 2013.

Paul Slichter