[Mugworts, Sageworts and Wormwoods: The Herbaceous Members of the Genus Artemisia In the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Suksdorf's Wormwood

Artemisia suksdorfii

Synonym: Artemisia vulgaris var. littoralis

Upper leaf surface of Coastal Mugwort, Coastal Wormwood, Suksdorf's Sagewort, Suksdorf's Wormwood: Artemisia suksdorfii (Synonym: Artemisia vulgaris var. littoralis)

The photo above shows a close-up of the upper surface of a leaf blade of wormwood as seen at the mouth of Oneonta Gorge.......July 14, 2006. The upper leaf blade is largely greenish in this species.
Lower leaf surface of Coastal Mugwort, Coastal Wormwood, Suksdorf's Sagewort, Suksdorf's Wormwood: Artemisia suksdorfii (Synonym: Artemisia vulgaris var. littoralis)
The photo above shows a close-up of the lower surface of a leaf blade of wormwood as seen at the mouth of Oneonta Gorge......July 14, 2006. Note that the ventral leaf surface is densely covered with small, whitish hairs.

Paul Slichter