Western Rattlesnake
Crotalus viridis

A young, 6" long western rattlesnake coiled up to absorb some early morning light amongst oak leaves along Eightmile Creek above the Crawford Oaks Trailhead, Columbia Hills Historical State Park........November 2, 2022.

The business end of a two foot long western rattler as seen on steep slopes with a mix of Oregon white oak and bigleaf maple interspersed by openings along the Klickitat River, Klickitat State Wildlife Area.........May 31, 2009. The leaves in the foreground belong to Carey's balsamroot.

A western rattlesnake crossing the trail along the east bank of the Deschutes River near Colorado Rapids, Deschutes River State Recreation Area.........March 31, 2017.
The photo at right shows the tail of a two foot long western rattler as seen on steep slopes along the Klickitat River, Klickitat State Wildlife Area.........May 31, 2009. The photo at right shows a two foot long rattlesnake (4 rattles) as seen trying to escape the photographic advances of the web master while at Dancing Rock, eastern Columbia River Gorge..........May 1, 2010.
Paul Slichter