[Reptiles of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Snakes of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

- Garter snake

Common garter snake?: Thamnophis sirtalis at left. Photographed on the trail to Elowah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.........April 20, 2006. The photo at right shows the head of a garter snake as seen in Rowena Dell between Memaloose and the Tom McCall Nature Preserve.........March 31, 2016.

The following list of snakes is a tentative list of snakes to be found in the Columbia River Gorge. This list is based upon range maps to be found in the book: " Reptiles of Washington and Oregon" by H. Brown, R. Bury, D. Darda, L. Diller, C. Peterson, and R. Storm.

Rubber Boa: Charina bottae -

Racer: Coluber constrictor -

Ringneck Snake: Diadophis puncatus -

Night Snake: Hypsiglena torquata -

California Mountain Kingsnake: Lapropeltis zonata -

Striped Whipsnake: Masticophis taeniatus -

Gopher Snake: Pituophis catenifer -

Western Terrestrial Garter Snake: Thamnophis elegans -

Northwestern Garter Snake: Thamnophis ordinoides -

Common Garter Snake: Thamnophis sirtalis -

Western Rattlesnake: Crotalus viridis -

Paul Slichter