Photo at right of sticky
shooting star, along SR-14 in Washington, across from Biggs, OR........April 5, 1997.
Cusick's shooting star is an attractive grassland perennial. The leaves are in a basal rosette and the single flower stem arises from 15-35 cm in height. The herbage is densely glandular-pubescent, especially in the inflorescence. The leaves are ovoid with entire margins.
The floral parts are five with the stigma not enlarged and the filaments united at the base to form a yellow tube approximately 1.5-2.5 mm long. The anther connectives are smooth.
Sticky shooting star may be found on grasslands, sagebrush, or forested foothills within its range.
Sticky shooting star may be found from British Columbia south along the eastern edge of the Cascades to eastern Washington and Oregon and east to Idaho and Montana.
In the Columbia River Gorge, it may be found east of Wishram, WA at an altitude of 400'-600'.