[Brooklimes, Kittentails and Speedwells: The Genus Veronica in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell

Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis

Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis

Flower and upper stem leaves of Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis)

The axillary flower of purslane speedwell from a vernal pond about 1 mile west of Tom McCall Nature Preserve in the Columbia River Gorge..........June, 2002.

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis) Characteristics:

Purslane speedwell is perennial, fibrous-rooted plant with erect or spreading stems from 5-30 cm high. The stems are either simple, or often branched below. The herbage often consists (as seen in the photos) of short, often gland-tipped hairs on the stems, leaves, and sepals. The leaves are generally opposite on the stems and are oblong, linear-oblong, or oblanceolate in shape, measuring 0.5-3 cm long and from 1-9 mm wide. The leaf margins vary from entire to irregularly toothed.

The lax inflorescence is terminal. The leaf-like bracts alternate up the elongated inflorescence and subtend a single subsessile flower. The corollas are white and only about 2 mm wide. The fruits are heart-shaped and abot 3-4 mm high.

Purslane speedwell is the only wetland member of the genus Veronica to have white flowers.


Purslane speedwell is a species of wet swales, meadows, streambanks, and other wet places.


Purslane speedwell is a wetland species common across much of North and South America and introduced to Europe.

In the Columbia River Gorge it may be found between the elevations of 0'-2200' from east of Troutdale, OR to the east end of the Gorge.

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis) - Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis)

Purslane speedwell beginning to bloom in upper Swale Canyon, Klickitat County, WA..........April 23, 2010.

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis) - Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis)

Close-ups of the axillary flowers and stem leaves of purslane speedwell as seen on a sandbar along the Klickitat River at Beeks Canyon, Klickitat County, Washington.........July 21, 2011. Note the numerous gland-tipped hairs along the stems and onto the lower leaf surface as well as the narrow sepals which are equal to or slightly longer than the petals.

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis)

Purslane speedwell as seen at Catherine Creek, Columbia River Gorge..........May 2, 2014.

Fruit of Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis)

The heart-shaped fruit and linear-oblong leaf of purslane speedwell.

Hairy Purslane Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell: Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis (Synonyms: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Veronica sherwoodii, Veronica xalapensis)

The axillary flowers of purslane speedwell from a vernal pond about 1 mile west of Tom McCall Nature Preserve in the Columbia River Gorge..........June, 2002.

Paul Slichter