Candelabrum Monkeyflower, Pulsifer's Monkeyflower, Pulsifer's Monkey Flower
Erythranthe pulsiferae
Synonym: Mimulus pulsiferae
Pulsifer's monkeyflower blooming in the Columbia River Gorge (Klickitat County).......June 21, 2010. Note the long pedicels and glandular nature of the stems, leaves and flowers. The pedicels average 1-1.5 cm long by blooming time and typically spread then ascend. The leaves taper to their base in this species, and although not seen, there is typically a pair of basal leaves that are about equal in size to the stem leaves seen here.
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Pulsifer's monkeyflower blooming in the Columbia River Gorge (Klickitat County).......June 21, 2010.
Paul Slichter