[Sandmats, Spurge and Euphorbs: The Genus Euphorbia in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Thymeleaf Sandmat, Thyme-leaf Spurge, Thyme-leaved Spurge

Chamaesyce serpyllifolia

Synonyms: Chamaesyce albicaulis, Chamaesyce neomexicana, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia, Euphorbia neomexicana, Euphorbia serpyllifolia

Thymeleaf Sandmat, Thyme-leaf Spurge, Thyme-leaved Spurge: Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Synonyms: Chamaesyce albicaulis, Chamaesyce neomexicana, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia, Euphorbia neomexicana, Euphorbia serpyllifolia)

Thymeleaf sandmat as seen at Panakanic in western Klickitat County, Washington..........June 17, 2015.

Paul Slichter