[The Spurge Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Spurge or Euphorbs the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Euphorbia

Thymeleaf Sandmat, Thyme-leaf Spurge, Thyme-leaved Spurge: Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Synonyms: Chamaesyce albicaulis, Chamaesyce neomexicana, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia, Euphorbia neomexicana, Euphorbia serpyllifolia)

Thymeleaf Sandmat: Chamaesyce serpillifolia

Corrugate-seeded Spurge, Ribseed Sandmat, Rib-seed Sandmat, Ridge-seeded Spurge: Chamaesyce glyptosperma (Synonym: Euphorbia glyptosperma) -

Milk Spurge, Prostrate Spurge, Sandmat, Spotted Sandmat, Spotted Spurge: Chamaesyce maculata (Synonyms: Chamaesyce supina, Euphorbia maculata, Euphorbia supina)

Thymeleaf Sandmat, Thyme-leaf Spurge, Thyme-leaved Spurge: Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Synonyms: Chamaesyce albicaulis, Chamaesyce neomexicana, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia, Euphorbia neomexicana, Euphorbia serpyllifolia) -

Caper Spurge, Gopher-plant, Mole-plant, Mole Plant: Euphorbia lathyris (Synonyms: Euphorbia lathyrus, Galarhoeus lathyris, Tithymalus lathyris) -

Petty Spurge: Euphorbia peplus (Synonyms: Galarhoeus peplus, Tithymalus peplus) -

Prairie Spurge, Reticulate-seeded Spurge, Spatulate-leaved Spurge, Warty Spurge: Euphorbia spathulata (Synonym: Euphorbia dictyosperma) -

Milk Spurge, Spotted Sandmat: Euphorbia supina (Synonyms: Chamaesyce maculata, Chamaesyce mathewsii, Chamaesyce tracyi, Euphorbia maculata) -

Wolf's Milk, Leafy Spurge: Euphorbia virgata

Paul Slichter E-mail