[The Borage Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Hound's-tongues of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genera Adelinia and Cynoglossum

Grand Hound's Tongue, Great Hound's Tongue, Pacific Hound's Tongue: Cynoglossum grande

Great Hound's Tongue: Cynoglossum grande

Adeline's Hound's-tongue, Grand Hound's Tongue, Great Hound's Tongue, Pacific Hound's Tongue: Adelinia grande (Synonym: Cynoglossum grande) - Native perennial. Corolla blue-violet. Inflorescence a terminal false raceme, all the branches sharing a common, naked peduncle.

Common Hound's Tongue, Gypsyflower, Gypsy-flower, Hound's Tongue: Cynoglossum officinale - Weedy biennial. Corolla dull reddish-purple. Inflorescence of many false racemes axillary to the upper leaves or terminating the upper side branches.

Paul Slichter E-mail