[Bittercress and Toothworts: The Genus Cardamine in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress

Cardamine hirsuta

Flowers and stamen number of Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta - Flowers with stamen number visible of Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta

Close up views of the flowers of hairy bittercress. This non-native species typically has 4 (sometimes 5) stamens per flower. One can see here that most of the flowers have 4 stamens while one has 5. Similar, native Cardamine oligosperma typically has 6 stamens.

Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta

Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta - Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta

European bittercress as seen along the western part of the loop of the Hardy Ridge Trail, Beacon Rock State Park.........April 8, 2016.

Upper stem leaf of Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta - Inflorescence of Hairy Bittercress, European Bittercress: Cardamine hirsuta

Close-up images of an upper stem leaf and of the inflorescence of european bittercress as seen in the author's garden in Gresham, OR.........March 29, 2009. The petals of this species generally do not spread wide but remain closely upright. The petals of this species generally do not spread wide but remain closely upright.

Paul Slichter