Arctic Willow
Salix arctica
Synonyms: Salix arctica var. antiplasta, Salix arctica var. araioclada, Salix arctica var. brownei, Salix arctica ssp crassijulis, Salix arctica var. kophophylla, Salix arctica var. pallasii, Salix arctica ssp. torulosa, Salix arctica var. tortulosa, Salix crassijulis

Arctic willow (female plant) as seen on Cranberry Ridge at Camp Denali, Denali National Park and Preserve...............June 16, 2012.
Arctic willow as seen on Cranberry Ridge at Camp Denali, Denali National Park and Preserve...............June 16, 2012. These are all female plants.......note the long catkins filled with scattered hairs on the pistils. Note the glossy upper leaves and long spreading hairs on the lower leaves.
Arctic willow as seen on rock outcrops near the summit of Mount Healy at the park entrance, Denali National Park and Preserve..............June 14, 2012. The images from this location are all male plants except the one at upper right.

Arctic willow blooming near the summit of Mount Galen, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 21, 2012.
Closeups of male arctic willows as seen blooming on Quigley Ridge, Denali National Park and Preserve.........June 18, 2012.

Arctic willow (var. torulosa) with its foliage turning yellow. Note the longer, oval to elliptic leaves. Photographed near Pete's Pond, about one-half mile to the east of the southeastern corner of Wonder Lake...............September 5, 2009.

Arctic willow (ssp. torulosa) as seen in Denali National Park in late August 2006.
Paul Slichter