Diamond-leaf Willow, Tealeaf Willow
Salix pulchra
Synonyms: Salix divaricata ssp. pulchra, Salix phylicifolia ssp. pulchra, Salix phylicifolia var. subglauca, Salix planifolia ssp. pulchra, Salix planifolia var. yukonensis, Salix pulchra var. yukonensis

Diamond-leaf willow as seen near the train depot at the park entrance, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 15, 2012.

Diamond-leaf willow as seen near the train depot at the park entrance, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 15, 2012. Note the shiny green upper and glaucous lower leaf surfaces as well as the elliptic or diamond shape of the leaves. The female catkins are held on short, leafless shoots.
Paul Slichter