Barratt Willow, Barratt's Willow
Salix barrattiana
Synonym: Salix barrattiana var. marcescens

Barratt's willow as seen along the west bank of Little Stony Creek about one quarter of a mile downstream from the Park Road, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 19, 2012. This is a female plant.
A close-up of the male catkins and very young leaves of Barratt's willow as seen along the west bank of Little Stony Creek about one quarter of a mile downstream from the Park Road, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 19, 2012. Note that the catkins of this species bloom before the leaves appear.
The lower (left) and upper (right) leaf surfaces of Barratt's willow as seen in Vertigo Valley east of Highway Pass, Denali National Park and Preserve...........August 28 2006. Note that both leaf surfaces are gray.
Paul Slichter