Alaskan Kitten tails, Alaska Synthyris, Kittentails, Northern Kittentails, Northern Kitten Tails
Synthyris borealis

Alaskan kittentails blooming on the windswept crest of Pillow Basalt Ridge located about two miles downstream along the west side of Little Stony Creek, Denali National Park and Preserve..........June 17, 2012.
Alaskan kittentails blooming on the windswept crest of Pillow Basalt Ridge located about two miles downstream along the west side of Little Stony Creek, Denali National Park and Preserve..........June 17, 2012.
Alaskan kittentails blooming on rock outcrops beneath the summit of Mount Galen, Denali National Park and Preserve..............June 21, 2012.
A close-up of Alaska kittentails as seen from atop Gravel Mt., Denali
National Park...........June 27, 2002.

A rosette of basal leaves of kittentails as seen high on ridge tops to the east of Stony Creek, Denali National Park and Preserve....................September 6, 2009.
Alaska kittentails as seen from atop Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park...........June 23, 2002.

Alaska kittentails as seen from atop Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park...........June
23, 2002.
Paul Slichter