Whorled Lousewort, Verticillate Lousewort
Pedicularis verticillata
Synonym: Pediculariopsis verticillata

Whorled lousewort as seen near the visitors center at the park entrance, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 15, 2012.
Whorled lousewort as seen near the visitors center at the park entrance, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 15, 2012.
Whorled lousewort as seen on the cut bank along the Park Road between the entrance to North Face Lodge and the bridge over Moose Creek, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 19, 2012.
The photos on this page show whorled lousewort as seen at Stony Creek near the park road...........June
27, 2002.

Close-ups of a whitish-colored whorled lousewort as seen near the western base of Green Dome, about 2 miles southeast of Eielson Visitors Center, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 20, 2012.

Whorled lousewort as seen atop the ridge to the west of Wonder Lake...........June
25, 2002.
Paul Slichter