Elegant Indian Paintbrush, Elegant Paintbrush, Red Paintbrush
Castilleja elegans
Synonyms: Castilleja pallida ssp. elegans, Castilleja pallida var. elegans

Elegant paintbrush beginning to bloom on high tundra slopes about one-quarter mile southwest of the summit of Mount Galen, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 21, 2012.

Elegant paintbrush beginning to bloom on high tundra slopes about one-quarter mile southwest of the summit of Mount Galen, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 21, 2012. Arctic willow (Salix arctica) and mountain avens (Dryas octopetala) are also visible in the photo, although it is unknown by the web master what the specific host plants might be for this paintbrush.
A dark close-up photo of elegant paintbrush from atop the ridge
to the west of Wonder Lake, Denali National Park...........June 25, 2002.
Elegant paintbrush from atop the ridge to the west of Wonder
Lake, Denali National Park...........June 25, 2002.
Paul Slichter