[Flora & Fauna Northwest]

Flora and Fauna of Denali National Park

Mt. Denali as seen from near the south end of Wonder Lake.................September 11, 2009.

The Alaska Range and Mt. Denali from along the Park Road near the south end of Wonder Lake.................September 11, 2009.



Photos of Scenery


A Note About This Site.....

I've created this website as an educational resource for those who have visited, or for those who wish to visit this wonderful National Park. It is a work in progress, and I will hopefully add more information and pictures to it as the years progress. Please be aware that I've only visited tfour times, and that for only a week each time, so I can't claim to be an expert on the area. But in creating this site, I too am learning a great deal about the nature of Denali National Park!

Paul Slichter


January 30, 2013

Alaska Range June 2002

The Alaska Range from near the Park Road near the toe of the Muldrow Glacier..........June 2002.

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[Flora & Fauna Northwest]

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