Bristly Sedge, Muricate Sedge, Prickly Sedge, Star Sedge, Stellate Sedge
Carex echinata ssp. echinata
Synonyms: Carex angustior, Carex echinata var. echinata, Carex muricata, Carex ormantha

Star sedge as seen at a small spring at the head of Rock Creek on Silver Star Mountain, extreme southwestern Gifford Pinchot National Forest...........July 17, 2014.

The photo above shows the star-like appearance of the individual spikelets within the inflorescence of star sedge. Photographed at Willard Springs in Conboy Lake NWR.........July 31, 2008.

The photo above shows the inflorescence of star sedge. Photographed at Willard Springs in Conboy Lake NWR.........July 31, 2008. Note the long bract at the base of the lowest spikelet.

Inflorescence of star sedge as seen along the Boundary Trail #1 at the first moist meadows as you enter Dark Meadows from the southeast, Dark Divide, Gifford Pinchot National Forest........July 3, 2015.

The photo above shows star sedge as photographed at Willard Springs in Conboy Lake NWR.........July 31, 2008.
The 2 photos above showsclose-up views of the perigynia of star sedge. Photographed at Willard Springs in Conboy Lake NWR........July 31, 2008. Click each photo to see enlarged versions.

The photo above gives an idea as to the size of the inflorescence of star sedge. Photographed at Willard Springs in Conboy Lake NWR.........July 31, 2008.
The 5 photos seen directly show close-up details of star sedge as seen at Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........August 11, 2008. Click each photo to see an enlarged view.
The 2 photos above shows a close-up of the inflorescence of star sedge as photographed in Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........September 6, 2008.
Additional photos of the inflorescence of star sedge as seen in moist areas in Babyshoe Pass Meadows along FS Road 23 on the northwestern flanks of Mt. Adams........August 27, 2012.
Paul Slichter