[Wildflower Hikes on the South Sid of Mount Adams]

Wildflower Hiking the Crofton Ridge Trail #73

Mount Adams Wilderness

A view of Mt. Adams as seen from the steep, open slopes of Crofton Butte on June 19, 2005.

The photo above shows the view of Mt. Adams as seen from the steep, open slopes of Crofton Butte on June 19, 2005.

Access: Road 8040 (immediately below Morrison Creek Campground) or Road 8030.050.

Lowest Elevation: 4200'

Highest Elevation: 4700'

Trail Length: 2.7 miles (4.3 km)

The Crofton Ridge Trail #73 runs roughly east to west through timber across the lower contours of Mount Adams. Highlights include several nice wildflower meadows along Crofton Creek and access to Crofton Butte which has good views of the southern face of Mt. Adams from its eastern to northeastern slopes. To access Crofton Butte, ascend to the high point on the trail (about 4700') and turn north. Hike along the crest of the ridge which is mostly in timber at first, avoiding the sometimes open eastern slopes which appear to have game trails that keep forcing you lower on the ridge than you want to go. Within a quarter mile or so (it seems longer than that) you begin hiking into wildflower meadows at the crest of the ridge. Continue up along this route until you are at the summit of Crofton Butte. From the summit, proceed to the open slopes which face east or northeast for views of Mt. Adams. Avoid the temptation to hike down the open eastern slope to regain the Crofton Ridge Trail at Crofton Creek as it is very steep with a loose, rocky surface and the lower slopes are densely covered with vine maple and bittercherry, which make cross country travel very difficult (At times you can't see the ground on this steep slope!).

Beware of crossing Crofton Creek early in the spring as snow melt can make the creek relatively treacherous to cross!

Partial Plant Lists:

August 22, 2008: Crofton Ridge Trail #73 from the east trailhead to the crest of the ridge.

June 2, 2007: Crofton Ridge Trail #73 from west trailhead to the crest of the ridge.

July 16, 2006: Crofton Ridge Trail from the east trailhead to the crest of the ridge.

June 19, 2005: Crofton Butte - Crofton Ridge Trail to Crofton Creek and up to the ridgetop (via the trail), then cross country to the open slopes below the top of Crofton Butte.

May 28, 2005: Crofton Butte and Crofton Ridge Trail #73 - Accessed via Morrison Creek CG

Paul Slichter