Mountain Goats
Oreamnos americanus

This photo above a large herd of mountain goats as seen in meadows high in Bird Creek Meadows.........July 19, 2007.

A distant photo of a mountain goat on a lateral
moraine below Lyman Glacier on the northern side of Mt. Adams.......July
23, 2005.

Mountain goat scat on a snow patch near the base of the Gotchen Glacier moraine, Mt. Adams.........September 2, 2017.
Mountain goat scat as seen at left near the head of Hellroaring Valley, southeastern corner of Mount Adams.........August 12, 2013. The photo at right shows mountain goat scat near the same location at left but on September 3, 2017.

A mountain goat herd(and there tracks) crossing a large snow field on the Adams Glacier at the head of Adams Creek, Mt. Adams Wilderness......July 19, 2018.

Mountain goat hair left on the ground high above High Camp, Mount Adams Wilderness..........August 19, 2013.
Paul Slichter