[Coppers of Mount Adams Country] [Butterflys of Mount Adams Country]

Lilac-bordered Copper

Lycaena nivalis

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis - Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis - Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis - Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis - Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

Lilac-bordered coppers observed nectaring on non-native plants along the Willard Springs Trail, Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge......May 15, 2020. The uppermost trio of photos show a female, the lower four show males.

This photo shows a lilac-bordered copper as seen on the banks of Elk Creek which is east of the east bank of the Klickitat River along the River Route Road.........June 22, 2008.

Paul Slichter