Western Giant-hyssop, Western Horse-mint
Agastache occidentalis

The photo above shows a close-up of a flower
of western horse-mint as seen along Rd K6900 at about 4000'..........July
10, 2005.

The photo above shows a close-up of the inflorescence
of western horse-mint as seen along Rd K6900 at about 4000'........July
10, 2005.

The photograph above shows a close-up of the
underside of a leaf blade of western horse-mint as seen at about 5600' on the
steep south-facing slopes of the Ridge of Wonders, just above upper Hellroaring
Meadows at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams..........July 30, 2005.
Note the dense coat of white hairs on the underside of the leaf.

The photograph above shows a close-up of the
upper surface of a leaf blade of western horse-mint as seen at about 5600' on
the steep south-facing slopes of the Ridge of Wonders, just above upper Hellroaring
Meadows at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams.........July 30, 2005.

The photo above shows the long inflorescence
of western horse-mint as seen along Rd K6900 at about 4000'.........July
10, 2005.

The photo above shows the leaves of western
horse-mint as seen along Rd K6900 at about 4000'...........July 10,
Paul Slichter