[Larkspurs: The Genus Delphinium in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur

Delphinium glareosum

Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Rockslide larkspur beginning to bloom on a steep, rocky drainage coming off the east side of the crest of the Goat Rocks between the South and North Forks of Conrad Creek................July 21, 2016.

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) Characteristics:

Rockslide larkspur is an attractive perennial wildflower with one to several much-branched stems arising from 15-35 cm high from a thick, woody, fibrous-rooted base. The stems are generally somewhat hollow. The herbage varies from smooth to densely haired or glandular-haired above. The leaves are largely crowded at the base of the plant. These are thick and fleshy in cross-section and range from 3-6 cm across, the margins 3-5 parted (nearly to the base of the blade) and each segment again cleft into 2-3 parts, the segments linear to oblong in shape with the tips rounded with a slightly pointed apex.

The inflorescence of 6-20 flowers makes up over one-half the height of the plant, and consists of a branched raceme or panicle, the branching giving the appearance of a broad, open inflorescence. The lower flowers and racemes are subtended by relatively large leaves. The pedicels below the flowers are thick and spread or ascend from the stem. The lower pedicels are often several times longer than the flowers they support. The 5 sepals are deep bluish-purple, the lower pair ranging from 12-16 mm long, the lateral pair obovate-oblanceolate in shape with abrubtly acute tip, and the spur ranging from 12-17 mm in length, roughly equaling the length of the uppermost sepal. The backs of the sepals range from smooth to finely pubescent or glandular-haired. The 5 petals are much smaller in size than the sepals and range from blue to white or pale yellow. Each has a deep narrow cut in the blade from 3-4 mm long. The blades of the petals are not dark veined as found in upland larkspur. The upper petals are widest at their base while the lower petals are wider near the middle and are roughly orbicular in shape.


Rockslide larkspur may be found on talus slopes and in rocky areas in subalpine to alpine habitats although it is at sea level on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge.


Rockslide larkspur may be foundin the Cascade Mts. from southern Chelan County in Washington south to Yakima County, Washington, and again in the Cascades of central Oregon. It may also be found in the Olympic Mts.

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) - Basal leaves of Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Rockslide larkspur beginning to bloom on a steep, rocky drainage coming off the east side of the crest of the Goat Rocks between the South and North Forks of Conrad Creek................July 21, 2016.

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) - Inflorescence of Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) - Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Rockslide larkspur as seen on steep talus slopes at the east side of the crest of the Goat Rocks, Goat Rocks Wilderness.......July 22, 2016. This spot is about a quarter of a mile uphill above a 20' high waterfall on the uppermost two miles of the South Fork Conrad Creek.

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) - Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) - Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Additional photos of rockslide larkspur as seen along the Eagle Creek Trail, Columbia River Gorge...........April 11, 2013.

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Rockslide larkspur in bloom on a steep east-facing slope along the Goat Ridge Trail #95 between the two junctions of the 95A loopTrail, Goat Rocks Wilderness.......July 12, 2018.

Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum) - Olympic Larkspur, Olympic Mountain Larkspur, Rockslide Larkspur: Delphinium glareosum (Synonyms: Delphinium basalticum, Delphinium caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. caprorum, Delphinium glareosum ssp. glareosum, Delphinium glareosum var. caprorum)

Rockslide larkspur beginning to bloom (along with gold stars: Crocidium multicaule) along the Eagle Creek Trail........April 13, 2012. The photo looks almost vertically down theflowered slope.

Paul Slichter