[Wildflowers with 5 Petals in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Borage Family in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Grand Hound's Tongue, Great Hound's Tongue, Pacific Hound's Tongue: Adelina grandis (Synonym: Cynoglossum grande) -

Fiddlenecks and Tarweeds: The Genus Amsinckia -

Garden Bugloss, Italian Alkanet, Italian Bugloss,Showy Bugloss: Anchusa azurea (Synonym: Anchusa azurea var. azurea) -

Common Alkanet, Common Bugloss: Anchusa officinalis -

Western Hound's Tongue: Andersonglossum occidentale (Synonym: Cynoglossum occidentale) -

Catchweed, German Madwort, Madwort: Asperugo procumbens -

Corn Gromwell, Field Gromwell: Buglossoides arvensis (Synonym: Lithospermum arvense) -

Cryptanths: The Genus Cryptantha -

Hound's Tongues: The Genus Cynoglossum -

Alpine Forget-me-not: Eritrichium argenteum (Synonym: Eritrichium nanum) -

Little Gruvelia: Gruvelia pusilla (Synonym: Pectocarya pusilla) -

Stickseeds: The Genus Hackelia -

Long-spined Stickseed: Lappula longispina -

Gromwell and Puccoon: The Genus Lithospermum -

Bluebells and Lungworts: The Genus Mertensia -

Forget-me-nots and Scorpion Grass: The Genus Myosotis -

Combseeds: The Genus Pectocarya -

Popcorn Flowers: The Genus Plagiobothrys -

Common Comfrey: Symphytum officinale -

Paul Slichter