[Wildflower bloom in the Southern Washington Cascades: 2008]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mt. Adams: Klickitat Canyon Natural Resource Conservation Area

May 10, 2008

Short-flowered Monkeyflower: Erythranthe breviflora

Short-flowered Monkeyflower: Erythranthe breviflora from this site.

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

Rein Orchid: Piperia species - Basal leaves only.

* Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum -

* Western Buttercup: Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis -

* Spring Whitlow-grass: Draba verna -

* Bulblet Prairie Star: Lithophragma glabrum (L. bulbifera) -

* Small-flowered Prairie Star: Lithophragma parviflorum -

* Northwestern Saxifrage: Micranthes integrifolia -

* Serviceberry: Amelanchier alnifolia (var. semiintegrifolia?) - A few plants beginning to bloom on the upper west rim of the Klickitat canyon.

* Broadpetal Strawberry: Fragaria virginiana ssp. platypetala -

* Mahala Mat: Ceanothus prostratus - Beginning to bloom.

* Baker's Violet: Viola bakeri -

* Pungent Desert Parsley: Lomatium grayi -

* Barestem Desert Parsley: Lomatium nudicaule -

* Pinemat Manzanita: Arctostaphylos nevadensis -

* Desert Shooting Star: Dodecatheon conjugens -

* Poet's Shooting Star: Dodecatheon poeticum -

* Dwarf Hesperochiron: Hesperochiron pumilis - Common in places.

* Ballhead Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum - Plants seem to be very variable here, showing characteristics of both this and the following variety.

* Ballhead Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum capitatum var. thompsonii -

* Forget-me-not: Myosotis sp. -

* Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary: Collinsia parviflora -

* Short-flowered Monkeyflower: Erythranthe breviflora -

* Naked Broomrape: Aphyllon purpureum -

Woodrush Pussytoes: Antennaria luzuloides - Basal leaves only.

* Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana -

* Hooker's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza hookeri var. hookeri -

* False Agoseris: Nothocalais troximoides -

Paul Slichter E-mail