Bloom Reports for the Oregon Cascades

Marshes at North End of Sparks Lake

Cascades Lakes Highway/ Deschutes National Forest

July 19, 1998

South Sister from the meadows at the northern edge of Sparks Lake........July 19, 1998.

Current wildflower conditions along the eastern base of the central Oregon Cascades are as follows: Wildflowers are in full bloom in the wet meadows above 3000'. Expect to find Penstemons, Indian Paintbrush, Cinquefoils, Shooting Stars and many other wildflowers that like their feet wet. Upland areas are drying out rapidly, but many species that can be seen in the Three Sisters Wilderness (Click to see a partial list of wildflowers of this area.) can still be seen. Be aware that fire danger is approaching the moderate category. Areas above 7000' or in shade, or on high north facing slopes may still be snowed in. From the highway, it looked like much of the slopes between Ball Butte and Broken Top are still largely snowcovered, especially in the deeper ravines. I would also guess that there is still a bit of snow on the north-facing slopes of the Tam MacArthur Rim. Still, this is an area well worth checking out anytime between late June into early September for its profuse wildflower bloom, and also for the number of species and number of habitats found in the area!

Sparks Lake and Highway roadside to Mt. Bachelor

1. Long-stalked Clover: Trifolium longipes

2. Sulphur Flower: Eriogonum umbellatum

3. Tall Mountain Shooting Star: Dodecatheon jeffryi

4. Drummond's Cinquefoile: Potentilla drummondii

5. Oregon Saxifrage: Saxifraga oregana

6. Common Paintbrush: Castilleja miniata

7. Tall Penstemon: Penstemon procerus (tall, some with blue flowers, others with white)

8. Gray's Lovage: Ligusticum grayi

9. Lewis' Monkey Flower: Mimulus lewisii

10. Broad-leaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius var. subalpinus

11. Pussy Paws: Spraguea umbellata

12. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium

13. Newberry's Knotweed: Polygonum newberryi

14. Big Deervetch: Lotus crassifolius

15. Low Mt. Lupine: Lupinus lepidus var.

16. Bleeding Heart: Dicentra formosa

17. Blue Elderberry: Sambucus cerulea

Paul Slichter