[Sunflowers East of the Cascade Mts. with Flowers like Daisies or Sunflowers]

Dwarf Sunflowers or Mule's Ears East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Wyethia

Woolly Mule's Ears: Wyethia mollis

Woolly Mule's Ears: Wyethia mollis

Mule-ears, Mule's Ears, Northern Mule-ears, Northern Mule's Ears, Northern Wyethia, Smooth Dwarf Sunflower: Wyethia amplexicaulis (Synonym: Espeletia amplexicaulis) - A wildflower which could be confused as a balsamroot. It has large flower heads with yellow ray flowers surrounding a yellow-orange central disk. The leaves are long and elliptical and hairless. The leaves thus look very shiny.

Hybrid Mule's Ears: Wyethia x cusickii (Synonym: Wyethia amplexicaulis Xhelianthoides) - Natural hybrids between Wyethia amplexicaulis and Wyethia helianthoides with creamy, light yellow rays. They are more glabrous than Wyethia heliantoides but more hairy than Wyethia amplexicaulis. The bracts are wider than those of Wyethia helianthoides.

Rough Dwarf Sunflower, White-headed Wyethia, White-rayed Wyethia: Wyethia helianthoides - A white-flowered balsamroot look-alike. It has large flower heads with white ray flowers surrounding a yellow disk. Growth is somewhat lax.

Mountain Mule's Ears, Rough Dwarf Sunflower, Woolly Dwarf Mule's Ears, Woolly Mule's Ears: Wyethia mollis - An erect, softly woolly balsamroot look-alike with large, wide oblong-ovate to obovate leaves with long petioles. Flower heads yellow with 6-12 rays surrounding the central disk.

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